Electronic Press Kits AKA your EPK

As an independent musician in the modern era, having a solid Electronic Press Kit (EPK) is absolutely essential for promoting yourself effectively. Your EPK is the ultimate marketing toolkit - a one-stop-shop for media, industry professionals and promoters to get an immersive look into who you are as an artist.

Think of your EPK as your musical resume and promotional hub rolled into one dynamic package. It showcases your brand, story, sound, visuals and key selling points in a clean, easily digestible format. A great EPK opens doors to press coverage, booking opportunities, sponsorships, sync licensing deals and more.

So what components should your EPK contain? Here's a quick breakdown:


A well-written bio is the foundation of any EPK. Bios give context about your history, influences, genre, key achievements and overall mission as an artist.


High quality, professionally shot promo photos are a must. Include a variety of clean, well-lit performance shots as well as posed portrait-style pics that capture your personality and vibe. Having both solo shots and full band images is ideal. Photos make your first visual impression, so they need to be top-notch.

Video Content:

In our video-driven era, providing samples of your live performances, music videos, behind-the-scenes footage, and interview clips allows industry folks to get an immersive feel for your act.


Of course, the music is the star of your EPK. Include streams/downloads of your latest studio releases - full EPs/albums as well as singles.

Press Coverage:

If you have any notable press coverage and media highlights, include quotes, links, and achievement recaps in your EPK.

Social Links:

Include link to your social media channels, but make sure your channels are up to date. If you haven’t posted in over a month, that isn’t a good look.

Contact Info:

Don't forget to make it easy for people to actually get in touch! Clearly list your contact details, links to your website/streaming pages, etc.

With all these components combined into one seamless digital package, your EPK can be a key pitching and promotional tool. Whether you're reaching out for a festival booking, shopping a new release to music blogs or trying to score sync placement an EPK is a MUST.

And remember, your EPK may be the first thing that people see, so invest the time to craft a top-level one that puts your absolute best foot forward. It could open the doors to incredible career opportunities and expose your music to new audiences.

Click Here to Enroll in our Signature Sales Story (Brand Creation) program for FREE.

And finally, if you're serious about making music your profession, then I strongly encourage you to learn how to build a sustainable music career for yourself because it takes more than talent and great songs to be successful.

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